Talk to Sozu


Sozu Ltd. is an online accessibility and web services consultancy.

In plain english we:

Add Value

What do you think your website says about you? You may personally think your website is excellent, but how does it compare to the market leaders ? Are their graphics better, do they offer automatic services, what about the speed?

The internet is one of the few places that a small operator can out-do a large corporate entity. If your visitors are expecting to do business with a professional company and instead are met with an amateurish website, will they have confidence in your company and spend money with you?

What many companies don't realise is that their website literally turns people away. Internet users are highly motivated shoppers, they want to buy the products you offer, they want to use the service you provide. It makes their lives easier if they can purchase from the comfort of their own homes. After all they did search for your product or service as opposed to just wandering through a shopping centre.

In many cases, your customer tries more than once to complete a purchase, but then gives up and goes to your competitor and never returns. Unlike a shopping centre where you may have a second chance to invite people passing by into your store you don't get that chance with a customer who's had a bad experience with you online.

To make it worse, if that person posts their opinion of your service anywhere online others will stay away from your site.

Your online presence can enhance your companys profile in the marketplace. It can help to lower the cost of doing business, and improve your relationship with your customers. A website or service that is correctly planned and executed can and will add value to your enterprise.


Have you ever thought about whether your website is really making you money? You've paid to build something that sits on the internet somewhere and you hope to get some return from the investment. So, is your investment paying off?

If you want information instead of speculation, we will:

  • Find out what you want to do with your website
  • Test your website against your requirement
  • Produce a comprehensive multipart report

Our report contains:

Executive Summary
A single-page tailored to non-technical senior management.
Web Manager Accessibility Brief
This covers, portability across a range of browsers and assistive technologies. The issues we find will be ranked according to importance. The report will check for compliance with W3C WCAG checkpoints, and UK and USA government recommendations.
A User Report
General feedback from an assistive technology user who has used the website.
Solutions designed to address the issues raised by the survey, and ranked according to importance. We will also outline the cost and time associated with each recommendation.


Sozu build services which go beyond the common website. We help companies move more of their internal and external functions online.